Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Mission Begins - March 1

Hello family!!! I'll try to write you all about the indvidual things that you have written me about if I have time but for your sake I'll try to say as much as I can about my life here at the MTC!! (saying that there is a legit countdown on the side of the screen for just half an hour!) Entou (so)
The MTC is amazing! I don't even know where to start! I'll start at the very beginning. I have heard thats a pretty good place to start. When I got here there was so much going on! everyone just yells at you welcoming you to the MTC. I thought that is sooo nice. The next wednesday I figured out they are just super glad it isn't them this time! The first few days are super challenging!! People only speaking in portuguese and it is soooo much information thrown at you it is overwhelming! (yet amazing) It is so cool to see how much you can learn in such a short period of time!
I am in a Tricompanionship (if you saw in the picutre) there are just the three of us girls in the disctict! and so we are all together! They are amazing! Sister Brooks is adorable and super nice and funny, she knows a fair bit of spanish which apparently is super helpful with the language. She also knows tons about doctrine and scriptures! It is fantastic I have learned so much from her. she is from Atlanta Georgia, and is soooo cute.Sister Jackson is from virgina. Really close to DC makes me miss beign there with you Alanna and dustin! She knows portuguese pretty well already and is soo helpful to me. I might rely on them a little too much :P she is really funny as well.  As much as they like to joke around they are very amazing and caring about the gospel and how important is to them.
So we have these "progessive investigators" that kim can tell you all about I am sure. but The first friday we already taught sombody in portuguese. It is really cool though becuase even though all you can say is hi my name is sister mullen god loves you and do you have faith? You can feel the spirit. I learned a lot about how I don't have to be perfect in the language (or even nessisarily communicate in order to teach) Thank goodness!!!
 So much as happened and yet it is all a blurr... The food is well... it's good but it is REALLy hard to eat healthy. Luckly Sister Brooks and Sister Jackson are both really healthy, and therefore are great examples to me in that regards. Also having an hour of running straight everyday has been great. I feel like I am more likely to loose weight here in the MTC at least than gain.
tons of people have been writting me! it is so hard to try to not open them the second I get them but I do my best to stay focused on my purpose untill it's personal time at 9:30. Dear elder is the best! Please use that more than anythign else cause I litterally have no time on Email!! like no time at all!!! But thank you soooo much! It means sooo much to get mail!
We spend about 12 hours a day studying in a small classroom. there are 12 of us in the district and we are all VERY different. Yet awesome. We all have so much to learn from each other. All the Elders are crazy in their own way! but it is fun and really good. Everyone has different things that make them who they are so we all can bring something different to help each other grow closer to God.
thank you soo much for the package mom and Britt! It was awesome to hear from you and I promise those cupcakes where enjoyed! I am wearing the shoes right now and love them :) I was really hoping you would get me them ;) I was kinda in need of other shoes for certain outfits! Each day has been so different and yet the same! I am not sure who Ammon is unless that is Irmou Perks first name! haha but my teachers are amazing! I seriously love them! and can tell they care about me too! Brother Rogers puts all he has into teaching us and I am so greatful! I could see that being a really challenging job sometimes beucase a lot of missionaries are really struggling and a lot of weight acn be put on the shoulders of the teachers! but I feel like everyone in my class has some thing like spanish to help exept for me and Elder Galland and the teachers really go out of their way to comfort us and help us know what to do to get the most out of or time hear at the MTC! AHHH 7 minutes!
this is way stressful trying to write everything in 25 minutes, but hopefully I have answered some questions. I don't have my visa yet, but hopefully that won't be a problem I am not too worried...
OH the Amassador of Portugal came to visit our class! It was crazy! We had to introduce ourselves in portuguese and he asked us questions and we asked him questions and we had to stand the whole time! We asked him all kinds of questions about the country and it was very enlightening. He was awesome. His wife was there as well. Also the MTC President and Pres Hinkley's Son. they took a picture with our district and it was way intense! He had guards with him that were armed and were standing outside our tiny little classroom. Pres Christenson came back after though and told us that he was extreamly impressed with us and though it was amazing the program that we have here!
I only have 3 minutes so I guess I'll have to wrap up. but I will write a letter with more details! Dear elder is the bomb write me on there! I love it here! (aqui) I am learning so much, growing so much and have never been in a place with a stronger spirit. The lord loves this work and is so pleased that he blesses us soooo much! my Companions are amazing, the chairs are a little hard, I am never tired even though that makes no sense. It is crazy! I really love it here and I am so happy! I miss you all so much!\
I love you so much and really do feel your prayers! not sure I understood how people could feel prayers untill I got here. I really do feel the prayers of all of you as well as all the people praying for the missionaries love you
Brookie sue

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